Greater Boston PFLAG supports calls for meaningful change to the Boston Pride Organization

Greater Boston PFLAG supports the call by former Boston Pride volunteers and community leaders for meaningful change to the Boston Pride Organization. Due to the history of racism and transphobia, and their refusal to listen to or engage with the community in creating a Pride which is open, safe, and accessible to everyone - especially Black and POC LGBTQ+ community members - we will not be participating in any official Boston Pride events in 2021. Pride was originally a defiant, open celebration of self and love - saying we’re here, we exist, we’re together - and the most important thing is for it to make the full community feel welcome and safe.  Pride is not owned by any single organization. Every pride celebration matters - from walking around your block wearing a rainbow shirt to large marches, but ultimately should be from, for and of the people.

In alignment with our organization’s core beliefs and our statement last year regarding #BlackLivesMatter, we acknowledge that our work is not complete until the most marginalized within our LGBTQ+ community have achieved equality and that it is our responsibility as allies to listen and center the voices of community members. We support Pride 4 the People and the Trans Resistance March and Vigil on June 12, as well as all community-driven individual Pride events throughout Massachusetts.


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