Love your LGBT Kids: Be a Trans Ally

Since Feb 14 is Valentine’s Day, this month we’re looking at ways to #LoveYourLGBTKids. One way to show your love is to be an ally to LGBTQ+ folks, so today we’re looking at ways to be an ally to trans folks!

One way you can be a better ally is to understand trans challenges more. One resource is: (A survey of over 27k trans people in the US that showed inequalities in major areas such as housing and employment)

Another resource:  (a recent report showing schools are still hostile towards LGBTQ students)

Another thing you can do is to learn about the legal challenges trans people face. In the past couple years, there have been increasing legislative attacks on many aspects of trans people’s lives. Learn more from the @ACLU:

A third thing you can do to be a better ally is to see if your school district has a nondiscrimination policy that specifically mentions LGBTQ youth. Anyone can ask their local school board, whether they’re a parent of a child in the district or not.

A fourth thing you can do is share on social media that you’re a trans ally. For example, you can share things you learned about trans people, to combat misinformation. Or you can post about going to LGBTQ community events. Showing your allyship makes other people more comfortable being allies too!

We hope these ideas help you feel more confident in supporting trans folks! So we can continue bringing you these tips, please consider donating to our cause:

This thread was inspired by @PFLAG’s Guide to Being a Trans Ally. Check it out to learn more.


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